What is a Mental Health Social Worker?

What is counselling?

Counselling is a private and confidential process whereby people are assisted to explore, reflect upon and resolve personal issues of concern to them through dialogue with a trained professional. In doing so, individuals improve their emotional health and well being, helping them to lead a more productive and fulfilling life.

People bring a variety of issues and concerns to counselling sessions. Mental health issues, worries or concerns regarding one’s own or another’s behaviour, worries regarding personal stress, these are just some of the many issues that people bring to counselling. Through discussion of their concerns, individuals are assisted to work through their issues, develop a new or healthier perspective, gain insight into their own actions or the actions of others, and are helped to consider new approaches to resolving persisting problems.

How many sessions will I require?

The number of sessions you will require will depend on your personal circumstances for seeking counselling and the goals you are wanting to achieve.

Under the Medicare Better Access to Mental Health Services scheme, you can obtain 10 subsidised sessions per calendar year, with the possibility of 5 further sessions if deemed absolutely necessary, following a review from your GP.

It has been shown that being matched with the right counsellor makes a great deal of difference in determining both how people feel in a session and the overall likelihood of success. This is because there are different types of counsellors, different approaches used in counselling, and different personality types. The success of counselling is very much based on your connection to and relationship with the counsellor, so you may have to sample different counsellors before you find the right counsellor for you.

It is your right to change counsellors at any time. Should you wish to seek out a different counsellor, if required, assistance will be provided to locate someone more suitable.

Is there a waiting list?

The waiting lists will vary depending on numbers of clients at any given time. Appointments are generally available within 2 weeks from the time of contact.

Other Questions?

Please contact Debrah for any other questions that you may have and she will be happy to provide you with a response.