Medicare Registered Provider
AASW Accredited Mental Health Social Workers are registered providers with Medicare.

When should I refer to an Accredited Mental Health Social Worker?

Patients often approach their GP with concern about negative life circumstances, for example relationship breakdown, life crisis or social isolation. These often point to, or are accompanied by, significant and persistent mental health problems.

Accredited Mental Health Social Workers understand mental disorders, and have particular training, skill and expertise to assess and offer treatment.

Accredited Mental Health Social Workers are also experienced in working collaboratively with other health professionals.

How do I refer?

Under government mental health care programs, the first step is for you to formulate a GP Mental Health Treatment Plan for your patient. You are eligible for a rebate fee from Medicare to complete this Plan. Please check with Medicare for the billing item number to activate any referral.

A written referral letter is required for your patient, who can then contact an Accredited Mental Health Social Worker to arrange an appointment.

What feedback will I receive?

It is a requirement of these programs that you will be provided with a written report providing information on:
• Assessments carried out
• Treatment provided
• Recommendations for future management

Did you know…

• Accredited Mental Health Social Workers are recognised under Medicare to provide counselling to patients referred by GPs, paediatricians and psychiatrists.
• There are many social workers in private practice in the community.
• In order to be eligible to offer Medicare rebates, social workers have had to provide evidence of extensive postgraduate training and experience in the field of mental health.

So, if you are looking for a skilled and experienced private practitioner to provide a professional assessment, counselling, and a range of treatment and support options to your patients, you may wish to consider referral to an Accredited Mental Health Social Worker.